News — aquarius happy birthday gemstone
A Brief History of Diamonds
Amethyst Amethyst Quartz Crystal April Birthstone aquamarine aquarius aquarius happy birthday aquarius happy birthday gemstone aquarius happy birthday gemstone amethyst labradorite moonstone chrsyoprase daimond February Birthstone gemstone jewelry gemstone jewelry statement jewelry gemstone jewelry statement jewelry handcrafted jewelry March Birthstone Rose Quartz

We are excited to share with you a brief history of one of the most coveted gemstones - the diamond, which also happens to be the birthstone for April. The word "diamond" is derived from the Greek word "adamas," meaning invincible or unbreakable, and for centuries, it has been valued for its beauty, durability, and symbolism. Diamonds are formed deep within the earth's mantle under high pressure and temperature, and were first discovered in India over 2,500 years ago. Throughout history, diamonds have been a symbol of wealth, power, and love. In ancient times, they were believed to possess...